Legal notices

Identity of the association:

Musée d’Art et de Culture Soufis MTO™


Claire Bay
6 avenue des Tilleuls 78400 Chatou
N° RNA W783011160


Phone (Customer service): 09 70 808 911
Email address (Customer service):
7 place de la Gare
BP 70109
57200 Sarreguemines CEDEX

Conception and development:

Agence Web Digitale Yoozly
2 Allée Lavoisier
59650 Villeneuve d’Ascq
+33 (0)3 20 61 94 24

Photo credits:

For the portraits of Bianca Bondi: Etienne Rougery-Herbaut, Flora Mathieu
For the portraits of Monir Shahroudy Famanfarmanian: Mark Blower, Ebrahim Safi, James Whineray, Todd Heister
For the portraits of Pinaree Sanpitak: Lee Wei Swee
For the portraits of Tray Makuza: Sean Mpetiwa
For the portraits of Younes Rahmoun: Carlos Perez Marin
For photos of MTO Shahmaghsoudi® school buildings: Courtesy of MTO Shahmaghsoudi Los Angeles and MTO Shahmaghsoudi Houston

Warning: any reproduction, representation, translation, adaptation or quotation of the Site, whether in whole or in part, by any process whatsoever, is strictly prohibited without the authorisation of MACS MTO™, except in the cases provided for in article L.112-5 of the French Intellectual Property Code.